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Art for Everyone: The advantage of being colourblind

Published on 27/09/2017 à 14:01

After having repeatedly amazed the critics and the international Press and after having been given the nickname of "The Modern Leonardo da Vinci” by the British magazine Luxury News, the Italian artist Cesare Catania is now preparing himself for his next exhibition in Monte Carlo with a work of art unique in its kind.


La bouche de l'Etna - E Version de Cesare Catania

"With this work, I wanted to try to overcome the visual barriers that oblige the syndrome of Dalton sufferers to see a different reality than the common one, but not less attractive."

This is what the Italian artist explains referring to what inspired him during the making of his latest sculpture in silicone and steel. And that's the way that the work number 57 entitled "The Mouth of Etna – E Version" is created and designed by Cesare Catania, just to emphasize the visual features of Dalton's syndrome sufferers.  For the first time in contemporary art (that’s what results to us...) an artist enhances his work shaping it on the visual spectrum for the colorblind.

"Vincent Van Gogh, undisputed master in the use of color, was also colorblind" Catania continues to explain. "I honestly don’t see color blindness as a deficiency: I'd call it more a characteristic. There is nothing more fascinating than thinking of one’s own work of art that changes colour depending on the point of view from which it is observed. The same Andy Warhol had experimented with his Marilyn Monroe, as while changing the color palette, the icon of American myth remained unchanged".


La bouche de l'Etna - E Version de Cesare Catania

This work of art will be presented for the first time worldwide at the end of September 2017 in the Boat Show period in Monaco during the Top Marques Watches 2017 event, in the exhibition hall of the Hermitage Hotel.

Portfolio "The Mouth of Etna", here


Cesare Catania concludes: "The phrase “ART FOR EVERYONE” has a double meaning for me: “art aimed for the whole world” and “art considered as such from whoever observes it”, regardless of their  own cultural, social or even physiological filters. If each of us would look at the colours of the world in our own way, we would all live in a world without prejudice...."


portrait Cesare CataniaAbout Cesare Catania

After the recent exhibition in Westminster London, after the Biennal Exhibition of Montecarlo 2016, after having exposed in Louvre and after the recent publishing of his contemporary art book "Genesis", right now the Italian artist Cesare Catania is working to many other projects. His next exhibition will be in Monaco September 2017.

Biography : www.cesarecatania.eu/en/theauthor

Last exhibitions

- January 2016: Westminster London

- Septempber 2016: Biennal Art Exposition of Montecarlo

- October 2016: Louvre Paris

- October 2016: Lugano Swiss

- October 2016: Maffei Marescotti Vatican Palace Rome "International Cultural Exchange of ART" award under the Vatican patronage

- March - June 2017: Guest of honor at the contemporary art exhibition in Milano Fabbrica del Vapore MUSEUM


More informations :

Site :
Facebook : www.facebook.com/cesarecataniaarte
Instagram : www.instagram.com/art_cesarecatania
Youtube: https://goo.gl/VYfbZG



Communiqué publié par Catania Cesare
Published on 27/09/2017 à 14:01 sur 24presse.com
Catania Cesare
Cesare Catania ART


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Catania Cesare

Company : Cesare Catania ART