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Come to My Spot launch - The Airbnb for the organization of events
Published on 07/03/2017 à 15:07
In response to the often asked question "what are your plans for this evening / the weekend ?", Kevin Caliati and Florent Deraco have launched the website and the IOS/Android application www.cometomyspot.com.
The concept :
- Meet new people and share similar interests with them
- Earn money by organizing events at their place
- Have fun for a small price by attending unique and exciting events where they live, alone or with friends
Come to my Spot encourages users to organize events at their home while earning money or to go to others people's places to attend home-made events like :
To make it easy Come to my Spot has already identified the major sporting events broadcast on TV, such as football, rugby, basket-ball and tennis games.

First of all, every user will have to create a profile on the website. Then, users can register for approved events online according to their hobbies. Users will also be able to organize their own events if they wish to, by specifying precisely what the event will involve and how much it will cost to attend the party.
To attract as many guests as possible, hosts are advised to be very specific in their adverts (photos of the place, access conditions, how many guests are expected, profiles of people who will attend ...) and also very creative by offering free or chargeable options like snacking, drinks ...
Guest’s accounts will only be debited by Come to My Spot if the request to attend that he/she sent to the host has been approved by the latter.
Host's accounts will be credited with all the payments of all the attendants at the end of the event. Come to My Spot will take a commission of 12% to 25% fee beforehand.
The guarantee of payments and transaction security are ensured by Lemon Way (accredited payment institution)
User'sprofiles will be checked by Come to My Spot to ensure genuine adverts. Finally, both guests and hosts will be kindly asked to give a mark and write reviews.

More informations : www.cometomyspot.com
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/cometomyspot/
Applicacion : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/come-to-my-spot/id1195994521
Communiqué publié par DERACO Florent
Published on 07/03/2017 à 15:07 sur 24presse.com
DERACO Florent
Come To My Spot
Press release copyrights free 24presse.com
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