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Press Conference: Climate Chance Summit Europe 2022 - Nantes, 07th & 08th March 2022

Publié le 09/02/2022 à 11:35

"European Green Deal: local governments, businesses and citizens at the heart of the European transition"

In synergy with the European Climate Conference organised by the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union (FPEU) at the Cité des Congrès in Nantes, on 7th and 8th March 2022, we are pleased to announce the Climate Chance Summit Europe 2022 will also be held at the same place and time, with the support of Nantes Métropole.

We invite you to the press conference dedicated to the Climate Chance Summit Europe 2022 which will be held online on Monday 14 February at 2.30 pm (Paris time).

The year 2022 is an important year for the implementation of the European Green Deal and the end of the negotiation on effort sharing between European countries to reach the -55% CO2 emissions target by 2030. The French Presidency of the Council of the European Union (FPEU) is a key moment to make progress on this important climate agenda.

Continuing its action to gather non-state actors in their diversity, Climate Chance recalls that these major European objectives cannot be achieved without the mobilisation of local actors and all those, local governments, businesses and associations, who develop concrete actions on a day-to-day basis.

Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, Alok Sharma, President of the COP26, will be present in Nantes, as well as Barbara Pompili, Minister for Ecological Transition, and other European ministers and commissioners.

The event will bring together many experts, well-known climate personalities and 2,000  non-state actors represented in their diversity: local and regional authorities, businesses, researchers and citizens who will have the opportunity to discuss with high-level European officials on the theme "European Green Deal: local governments, businesses and citizens at the heart of the European transition", and to formulate opinions and proposals.

An exclusive 2-day programme with keynotes, interactive workshops and round tables bringing together the climate community in all its diversity, high-level experts and field actors:

  • Discussions on the issues of mitigation and adaptation to climate change at the European level (one day dedicated to each), on Europe's international action on climate, particularly in terms of cooperation with Africa. About thirty workshops to define concrete proposals on the implementation of climate action at a local level.
  • Two high-level plenary sessions with the main leaders and representatives of the major European networks present in Nantes, on the implementation of the European Green Deal and on the just transition.
  • A sharing of best practices in climate action by European actors following a call for contributions launched at European level.
  • etc.

The challenges and objectives of the Climate Chance Summit Europe 2022 are therefore:

  • To strengthen the knowledge of the European local actors on the strategies of the EU, in particular the declination of the European Green Deal.
  • To allow a better anchoring of EU policies at local level in Europe (mitigation and adaptation), to bring to light and make public the proposals of actors (local authorities, businesses, NGOs) on the strengthening of local action.
  • To initiate discussions on the priorities to be defended during the next major international meetings, in particular the next COPs of the various United Nations conventions on the environment (Biodiversity, Climate, Desertification).
  • To reaffirm the importance of concrete international solidarity and cooperation, particularly with Africa. 

Climate Chance is launching a call for contributions of best practices in climate action, at the global level and in particular for the European continent, inviting climate actors to share their innovative projects and initiatives. The programme of the Climate Chance Europe Summit will offer a panorama of best practices in climate action, based on feedback from local and regional actors.

Information and project submission on our website here

We invite you to the press conference dedicated to the Climate Chance Summit Europe 2022
which will be held online on Monday 14 February at 2.30 pm (Paris time) 

Register here

More information on the #SCCE2022 on our website here

About Climate Chance

Since 2015, Climate Chance is the only international organisation seeking to unite all non-state actors recognised by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC): local authorities, businesses and civil society.



Communiqué publié par Climate Chance
Publié le 09/02/2022 à 11:35 sur 24presse.com
Climate Chance


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