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Hexachords creates the first music composed by an artificial intelligence for a documentary.

Published on 20/06/2017 à 16:31

Hexachords ignites the use of artificial intelligence in musical composition. For the first time, it produced a music composed by an artificial intelligence, used for the documentary "Tunnels de guerre : la Grande évasion", directed by Anna Kwak and broadcast on March 10th on the French channel RMC Découverte.
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For the first time in TV history, a music composed with the help of an artificial intelligence was used in a professional programme which is internationally broadcast.
This artificial intelligence, called Orb, was conceived and developed by the French start-up Hexachords. It is the result of five years working on an analysis and profound understanding of music and musical composition.
Hexachords music was chosen by the editing team of the documentary without knowing it has been composed by an artificial intelligence.
This is, therefore, a unique proof of concept about the capacities of the AI Orb, which is able to compose tracks with the level of quality required for TV programmes broadcast internationally.

About Hexachords
Created in 2015, Hexachords brings three music lovers together. They work on musical composition, new technologies and their artificial intelligence.

Hexachords is meant to give a new composition experience focused on artistic, creative and musical choices. The company developed the software Orb Composer, based on Orb technology, which will be available by January 2018 and is intended for composers and recording studios.

For more informations : www.hexachords.com


Communiqué publié par PORTELLI Richard
Published on 20/06/2017 à 16:31 sur 24presse.com


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Company : Hexachords