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Survey : 79% of foreign employees based in France think that french people are arrogant and unfriendly

Published on 07/10/2014 à 11:29

Conducted by www.paris21.tv in partnership with the "Société de Banque et d'Expansion - SBE" and Paris Development, the Survey "Expatriates in France, tell us about your life", gives a portrait of France in 2014 seen by foreign employees, liberal professions and entrepreneurs living in France.


"Expatriates in France… tell us about your life"*

770 foreign employees from large groups, liberal professions and entrepreneurs
based in France answer our questions.


An opportunity to find out what they like and what they like less about France. Their fears and the difficulties they encounter, how they feel about the welcome they receive in the country,within our administrations and in their company, etc.

Their answers offer us a snapshot of France and the French in 2014 taken by foreigners living in France !

The survey also offers us a typical portrait of the foreign impatriate in France


To see full version of the survey, click here


image paris21.tv



www.paris21.tv is a web TV available in 8 languages (French, English, Spanish, Brazilian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and Russian) for foreigners looking to live, invest or work in Paris. It has been online for a year now and offers over 100 hours of videos. On the programme: practical programmes, a monthly arts programme, testimonies, expert views, etc. In short, it’s the ideal media for people who want to move to France with peace of mind.

www.paris21.tv is owned by Biscayne PB LLC, an American audiovisual production company run by French people who have also been running a website dedicated to international mobility for the last 15 years (www.mondissimo.com). The French company has worked with TV5 Monde since 2007 to co-produce the “24H Chrono de l’international” (Round-the-world news in 24 hrs).

La Société de Banque et d'Expansion - SBE, a member of France’s 2nd biggest banking group, is the leading bank for employees in company sites (on this model in France).

Its organization is adapted to company needs and culture. For over 20 years, the bank has responded to the demands of International Directors of Human Resources on partner sites to manage and accompany impatriates.

Its expertise and reactivity in accompanying International Directors of Human Resources – IDHR – by providing employees on mobility with banking services and appropriate solutions means that these employees are able to settle into their jobs quickly and without stress.

Paris Développement is the economic development agency for Paris. It is supported by Paris City Council and a wide-ranging network of public and private members. It is responsible for promoting Paris as an attractive location abroad and guiding foreign companies through the practical aspects of setting up business in Paris :

- accompanying them through the administrative, legal and tax formalities
- recruiting employees
- looking for property solutions: standard lease, business centres, nurseries, incubators
- advice on international mobility
- integrating into the Paris ecosystem




Communiqué publié par Paris21.tv
Published on 07/10/2014 à 11:29 sur 24presse.com



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